UNH Manchester Students!

UNH Manchester Student Headshots I've been working with UNH Manchester since 2014 (wow! time flies!) and they give me a call whenever they need some students photographed in either a traditional "portrait" setting, or more loose "interaction" shots to help populate their website and merchandising materials and brochures.  It's been really great getting to know the students who I see year after year.

Here are some examples of some head shots I created for a handful of students a while back.  Sometimes we don't have the best location, or we get rained out, so a simple black & white conversion usually gets rid of the color and makes a nice, clean shot.


UNH Manchester Student Headshots

UNH Manchester Student Headshots

UNH Manchester Student Headshots

One light and a green wall.


A recent head shot from a location shoot for a commercial/corporate client.

The wall she's standing in front of was a soupy pea-green color.  Definitely not the best for color portraits.  But, turn that image black & white, and you've got a fantastic neutral grey wall that your gorgeous subject can stand in front of.

One light.  A wall.  Sometimes all you need is just a tiny space to make really elegant portraits.