"Runner Up" Best Visual Artist 2011 Hippo Reader's Poll

Check it out! In what can be described only as total awesomesauce, I've been voted "Runner Up" Best Visual Artist for the 2011 Hippo's Readers Poll!  AWESOMESAUCE!

This time last year, I was shocked to learn I had been voted the Hippo's 2010 Best Visual Artist.  It looks like constantly producing good work and content to share with people works, as people wrote my name in for the reader's poll again this year!!  Wow!

To see the full list, you can either check out the March 24th paper edition of the Hippo, read it online, or wait for the awesome color glossy magazine that will be coming out in a few months.

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to write my name in.  Like last year, I'm humbled and excited that so many people are putting my name down recognizing my work.  I think I'm a pretty approachable guy and I think my work is pretty competent, so I value all the feedback I get on my work and my business.

Congrats to everyone else that received nods this year!  Awesomesauce!!

When they asked for a current photo, I thought a self portrait with Muppet Sid was in order! :)

