Teresa Santoski • Writer

Teresa Santoski

Teresa SantoskiWriterJournalist

I think I met Teresa for the first time back at the start of 2008.  She interviewed Sara and I for a Valentines Day article about couples in the Arts.  Over the years I've been meeting with Teresa and discussing the development of a website for her writing.  The last few months have been full steam ahead as Teresa bids adieu to the Nashua Telegraph and begins the next stage of her writing.  She's working on two books (the first, Prayers for Oppa will be released soon) and we've been producing images that will be used for her website, for book content and promotional images.  The first image we wanted to make sure we had was an updated headshot of Teresa.  She knocked it out of the park.

I'll post a future blog update once her Prayers for Oppa book hits the market.